Thursday, 17 April 2014

Rural Tourism needs to be explored in Kashmir

Rural Tourism in Kashmir

Rural tourism at present is the focus of attention throughout the world and is being recognized as an important instrument of growth for rural economy. It is defined as ‘any form of tourism that showcases rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community socio-economically as well as enabling interaction between tourists and locals for a more enriching experience. Rural tourism encompasses a broad range of activities yet it is often seen to be synonymous with the “farm tourism”. It is a multifaceted activity may entail farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism and ecotourism. Strategies to use tourism as an instrument of growth in rural areas emerge in different contexts. They are, at heart, about enabling rural producer to reduce reliance on agriculture, and engage in new economic opportunities in order to reduce rural poverty. The promotion of rural tourism is also aimed towards generating revenue for local communities through tourist visits, which may also stop migration of rural people to urban areas, thus reducing burden on urban centers.

Kashmir is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations of the world. It used to attract enormous number of domestic and international tourists. Its lush green forests, rich wild life, snow clad peaks, mountainous gorges, giant glaciers, rich fishing grounds, lofty skiing grounds, carpet green turfs, perennial rivers, gushing fountains, floating gardens in Dal Lake, hissing springs, cool breeze, shimmering lakes, invigorating climate, apple-almond orchards, saffron fields, benevolent and kind hearted folk are well known all over the world. Tourism is one among the important economic activity in the state. More than 20 percent of the workforce of the state is directly or indirectly dependent on tourism. But the tourism activity so far in the valley has been urban centric in nature. Most of the tourists reside in the urban centers during their visit to Valley and the benefits of the tourism activities remain limited within these urban centers. And within a limited space in these urban centers like Srinagar, for tourist activities like their accommodation, their movement during marketing increases the burden and pressure on the area and also for the government authorities. In a region inhabited by more than 70 percent rural people mostly dependent on agriculture. The rural areas need to be selected as the sites of attraction for the tourists in order to benefit the rural people also from the process of tourism. In bringing the rural areas and rural people on the scene of tourism, rural tourism is one of the important options for the state, its agencies especially those concerned with the rural development. Rural development and rural tourism can facilitate the ways of progress for each other. This in turn can develop and diversify the rural economy and can decrease the burden and pressure on the urban centers.

In changing economic scenario of the world, tourism has emerged as one of the world’s largest service industries with sizable economic benefits. Widening the scope of tourism in a region like Kashmir is the need for the region, due to various reasons like huge number of unemployed youth, lack of industrial development, etc. Rural Kashmir comprises of villages, where we have ample availability of land. Land is the major source of livelihood and income of the rural people in Kashmir. Their livelihood and income from agriculture is subjected to out of control forces like nature, climate and market. The same land with the same crops cultivated in villages can be brought on the scene of tourism in the form of rural tourism. Rural tourism, as an option can cover the rural areas of Kashmir and make these sites of attraction for the tourists visiting the valley. Rural tourism in Kashmir on one side can benefit the rural people by bringing diversification in the agricultural activities. On the other side, it will decrease the burden on the urban centers of the valley in terms of reducing traffic jams, pollution, etc., and also tourists can become familiar with the rural society of Kashmir, its culture, craft works, art, etc.

Land in rural Kashmir is used for cultivation of different crops. The land for cultivation of crops and other income generating activities itself is the source of attraction for the tourists. The land under different agriculture activities throughout the agriculture cycle provides beautiful and charming scenes to us at different times in a year. To mention, the green paddy fields after plantation, the yellowish paddy fields at the time of its harvest, the blooming yellow flowers of mustard fields in the months of March, April, the variety of large vegetable fields, the large fields under the orchids especially at the time of flowering, the flowing water in the Doodhganga and Sukhnag, meadows, etc., are few examples that can attract the attention of tourists towards the rural areas and can initiate the process developing rural tourism in Kashmir. So the land under the utilization of agriculture and allied activities can be brought on the scene of rural tourism in the form of ‘Agri-tourism’, the concept of visiting a working farm or any agricultural, horticultural, or agribusiness operations for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the activities of the farm or operation. Visiting any rural area by the tourists is accompanied by various other income generating activities like trained tourist guides, trained cooks, hotels, stalls and more. Thus the process of rural tourism can avail various interesting livelihood options to the rural people.

There are various beautiful places in Valley within the rural areas surrounded by villages and laying close to these villages. Unfortunately, they have not been yet identified by the government and still remained untapped for the tourism activity. To mention few Tosa Maidan, Mujipatheri, Labkhal, Hackhal are few places in the sub-district Khansahib; if given consideration can give birth to other tourist spots like Yousmarg. All these places have such features that can attract domestic and international tourists. Developing these places in rural areas of Kashmir can benefit the rural people and can encourage the development of rural tourism in the Valley.

In the hilly areas of the valley, the production of land is very low because of climatic constraints and practice of single crop cultivation. For example, the villages lying on the banks of Nallah Sukhnag in Khansahib area grow only a single crop of rice throughout the year, because of climate. The people of these villages mostly depend on the agriculture. Due to less production, they are facing poverty. To solve the problem of poverty there is a need to avail the allied sources of income generating options to these people. They have land but less productive, that needs to be utilized for farm tourism activities like establishing large dairy farms, fish ponds, poultry farms, sheep farms, floriculture units, horticulture units, etc. Such units should be established and developed in such a way that they can become the sites of attraction for tourists. In addition, these units should be made as spots of recreation for the local people. These types of innovations in terms of rural tourism can become the instruments of increasing rural economy. So the land already available can be utilized for the upliftment of the farmers.

So in a region like Kashmir, blessed with enormous sites and locations, there is much scope for accelerating the process of tourism and percolate its benefits to every segment of society. New areas need to be identified and developed in order to attract more tourists. Rural tourism can be a good option for developing the rural economy of the region. Rural tourism would showcase the diversity and uniqueness of our rural life, rural art and craft works, agriculture, thereby increasing the visibility and the appeal of locally grown products. The government should promote rural tourism to ensure sustainable rural development.

Rural Tourism needs to be explored in Kashmir

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